
The best damn waste of time!

409 game night

Total posts: 5115

round 2 of civilization feat me arif and barb arif's roman republicans vs barb's russian commies vs my chinese democracy arif once again had some tough going early that was hard to recover from barb was all up in my junk and i was like you should gtfo or i will use my nuke so she beat me up and took my nuke so i got another nuke and she took that one too arif almost came from behind with a sneaky cultural victory but barb got her commies into space ftw one turn before my chinamen did

Total posts: 2398

The Roman emperor's obsession with conquering some primative barbarians proved to be fruitless and rendered them largely irrelevant for most of civilization.  However the decisive moment in time was when the Chinese ruthlessly murdered an innocent Russian scout.  The nature of this scout remains a mystery and although the Chinese claim that he was really a Russian spy invading their city to steal culture and trade in the name of the motherland historians remain skeptical and propose that the story is likely communist propoganda fabricated by the government to cover up the heinous crime.  Although the truth may never be told about this unnamed scout--until the national geographic special "The Mystery of the Motherland Messenger:  Martyr or Marauder?" narrated by Morgan Freeman reveals some shocking evidence--one fact remains true:  it put an end to very short cold war that set for a series of events that resulted in the Russians gaining space flight first.  A provocative painting created by the Roman artist Arifus Rahmanius portrays this historic event and raises questions about the nature of the Motherland Messenger but in the end the world was like "Seriously a painting? That's all you've got?  The Russians are on the moon!"  :)

Haha until next time!

Total posts: 1097

Everybody knows that Chinese Democracy was never meant to happen.

Total posts: 5115
Got an early wedding present from Barb's brother to add to the list:

Battlestar Galactica - Players 3-6 Play time 4 hours Steep learning curve

It's based on the TV show from a few years back which Barb and I are about through season 2. If you watch the 2 pilot episodes you'll pretty much be up to speed on the concept plus it's a good show so far (it's on Netflix). It's mostly a cooperative game where you're all trying to survive long enough to get to Earth but someone is secretly a CYLON!!! and is trying to prevent this. And the fun part is trying to guess who it is. Pretty excited to play it.
Total posts: 5115

ultimate RISK addendum:

- if you gain a territory by achieving space flight through civilization you must win a game of battlestar galactica also

Total posts: 1097

So say we all.

Total posts: 4328

Layers upon layers.. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?

Total posts: 5115
wanted to update the inventory after a few life changes

for one barbie and i got the expansions for battlestar galactica as a wedding present sweet:pegasus and exodus but we probably need to play a few more games before we start adding on expansions

Settlers of Catan - Players 2-4 Play time 1.5 hours medium learning curve

Also a wedding present sweet! I think we're mostly familiar with this but now we got it.

Also I we got Ticket to Ride for my mom for her birthday. It's pretty fun but lighter fare but you can still be somewhat strategic and you can really screw people over if you figure out what they're up to sweet! So it's not here it's in Augusta but worth checking out some time.
Total posts: 5115
Total posts: 5115

second game of BSG: there was a tough series of events early on that hit the humans hard exacerbated by the fact that barbie was able to choose which crisis occurred and was secretly A CYLON!!!!11 there were a couple tactical errors made but i got to use the nukes and nobody stole them from me so that's a win in my book otherwise it came down to needing a 7 or 8 on the 8 sided dice roll to eliminate the last remaining boarding party of cylons but i ended up rolling a 5 or something FTL...