Total posts: 2398
9/27/2007 5:39 AM
Total posts: 2398
9/27/2007 5:50 AM
Total posts: 1323
9/27/2007 1:01 PM
i'm gonna have to go with PEBCAK on this one
Total posts: 1368
9/27/2007 1:49 PM
It must have been. Got it to work on first try
Total posts: 1097
6/7/2008 10:21 AM
I have a large outline in microsoft word format that I'd like to put into html with some linking functionality between various referenced portions. Is there some utility to do this or am I going to be doing it manually?
Total posts: 5118
6/7/2008 12:42 PM
ms frontpage?
Total posts: 2298
6/8/2008 2:31 AM
you can do the linking in word itself and then save as an HTML all from Word (i think)
Total posts: 4331
7/23/2008 3:31 AM
I dunno if this is so much calling on computer nerds as it is just plain nerding out. But anyway
Google Code Jam 2008 is underway and I qualified for round 1 (I'm in 530th place.. I tied the first place guy for score but I didnt turn my work in until a lot later). Round 1 has 3 sub-rounds and i've been assigned 2 of them: Saturday @ noon and Sunday @ 5am.. so yeah i hope i do well on the first one so i dont have to get up at 5 :)
Total posts: 5118
7/23/2008 7:43 AM
$10000 = really nice stripper pole at PMC?
Total posts: 4331
7/23/2008 9:38 AM
sadly i doubt that i'll be getting first prize. in fact i would be quite impressed with myself if i actually won any money. but yes if I do win first prize then I will spend it all in the most irresponsible way(s) I can think of (and there will of course be a thread devoted to suggestions).