
The best damn waste of time!

Calling on you computer nerds

Total posts: 4323
var c = 0;
var maxxx = 40;
var i;
function doTheThing() {
  i = setInterval(function() { if(c < maxxx) {""+(c++)).blur(); window.focus()}},1000);

function stop() {

[a href='javascript:doTheThing()'>lol[/a>
[a href='javascript:stop()'>stop[/a>
Total posts: 4323
There's the gist of it, easier if I can send you an HTML file to download to your phone and open locally maybe?
Total posts: 5115
Got it thx, this entitles you to whenever you visit I will display to you all the xbox things I have boughten with these m$ points
Total posts: 5115

Total posts: 4323
Who has a Radeon 9800 Pro in their technology closet?
Total posts: 5115
Heck yeah was totally rocking the 9800 pro for a few years, preceded by an 8500, and then an x450(?), before the dark times, before the crypto miners
Total posts: 5115
Anybody doing windows 11 yet? I'm scared I'm going to accidentally press the update button on one of the notifications and ruin everything, esp since I'm running a few pieces of dated music hardware
Total posts: 2396
Apparently my machine doesn't meet the requirements to update to Windows 11, so I'm going to ride that wave until support for windows 10 is removed...
Total posts: 5115
Did you know if you press win-v instead of ctrl-v a little prompt comes up and you can choose from a list of previous things you have copied for pasting? Just saw a guy do that and I was like wait wth was that
Total posts: 2396
I didn't know about that, but love that feature on my phone.  It works for screenshots too.  That's pretty cool!