
The best damn waste of time!

gj sony part -2147483648

Total posts: 102
Sony getting blame for war?

I find some problems with this whole logic thing. But since you guys are so against Sony this should renew your feelings.
Total posts: 5111
sounds about right
Total posts: 2298
Total posts: 5111
finally hits us where it feels good
Total posts: 2298
no sleep till i share with you the whole internet
Total posts: 1323
sony refuses to cut ps3 price... duh
Total posts: 1323
Sony disables hardware virtualization (and therefore Windows 7 "XP Mode") on VIAO computers

Senior manager for product marketing Xavier Lauwaert blogged that Sony had not enabled hardware virtualization due to "very little if any requests until recently."

He added Sony's engineers and QA people were: "Very concerned that enabling VT would expose our systems to malicious code that could go very deep in the Operating System structure of the PC and completely disable the latter."

I think Intel and Microsoft would like to have a word with you about that....
Total posts: 5111
if there's one thing i can respect sony for it's for protecting users from malicious code

have a wikijourney on me!
Total posts: 4318

So I'm sure everyone's already heard something of what's going on lately for Sony.. but just to re-cap:

  • Sony's PlayStation Network (PSN) was taken offline along with Qriocity. A few days later we heard that it was due to a security breach during which millions of users' data was accessed
  • Sony Online Entertainment is now offline and that is apparently due to another (related?) security breach and personal data for 24.6 million customers was accessed.

So once again good job Sony. I hope you continue to make poor decisions until you are no more.

Total posts: 4318

Apparently the 2nd event was actually part of the original PSN breach they're just now realizing how much stuff was accessed.