
The best damn waste of time!

Happy X-wanzakkah

Total posts: 2396
I hope you all had a Merry C Day! I went ahead and involuntarily protested by not purchasing any goods or services specifically for Christmas. Well except for the two gifts I bought for the two secret santa parties I attended for work. So I lied but I did score a laptop cooling pad (for tan grams and a calvin and hobbs book) and a wireless microphone (for a $15 Target gift card and 2 $5 lottery tickets--one of which turned out to be worth $25) though!

Hey Matt what's the FREE TOY INSIDE? It could be anything! It could even be a boat!
Total posts: 5115
My guess is the FREE TOY INSIDE is a ninja that jumps out cuts off your head and vanishes into the night when you open the tin.

Do you have any rival daimyos that want you dead Matt?
Total posts: 2396
Or perhaps he simply breaks the skin. Something small enough to be covered by say a 3''x1'' ninja bandage!
Total posts: 4323
It turns out that my free toy inside is actually a piece of ammunition for the same company's Ninja Attack! device. I may be shopping at that website quite a bit for the rest of my life.

Here's a nice foto of said toy which nearly did take my head off after he busted out of the tin. notice the Xtreme Action Pose:

Total posts: 751
I have roughly $400 in gift cards to Best Buy any suggestions? My purchases will likely include a new graphics card that doesn't sound like a 747 taking off but I should still have a good bit left over.
Total posts: 2396
Total posts: 5115
Total posts: 4323

or a hauppauge PVR-500
Total posts: 2396
Sure you could get a fancy TV tuner or even a near-silent graphics card but those things will be out-dated and replaced in a few years. A Wii however will most likely be a timeless classic--as we have proven with the NES. Just think of Steven Junior (::shudders::) rummaging through the attic and stumbling upon this archaic technology; think of how you'll have to explain that we actually had to swing our arms to make the virtual racquet/sword/plunger/thing work. Mostly though think of the sheer fun I...I mean you will experience!
Total posts: 1367
Ain't nothing wrong with your graphics card. Get a Wii