omg two wikijourneys in one day.. it's a christmas miracle!
Total posts: 2298
12/25/2005 5:49 AM
Mandolin and iPaq! clothes and stuff. The firefly series season 4 of ATHF Rudy (thanks mom and dad for the movie where a retarted kid beats georgia tech) reading light candy Buck knife that i gave to dad when he looked lustful for it ;-) now gotta go see the fam instead of sitting on my ass learning mandolin :p Merry haunachristmakwanzahumbug!
Total posts: 4332
12/25/2005 6:55 AM
super awesome cool :) rachel hasn't posted about it yet but she got a laptop that has a swivel screen so it converts to a tablet PC (complete with touchscreen and handwriting recognition stuff). It's gunna rock hardcore. I'm going to get it for a day to install all kinds of goodies
I got lots of super cool stuff too like a digital camera a USB/FireWire PCI card and lots of stuff I cant post about because bill's getting it too.
Pretty soon it will be time to carve the turducken so I'm gunna go prepare for that. You should all feel very jealous that your family is not having one of these for dinner; it smells like heaven in our kitchen. Merry politically-non-crippling-description-of-christmas!!1
So far I got one of those pictures like you see in Chinese restaurants where the light reflects behind it so it looks like the waterfall is falling. And I got season 2 of 24. And a pocket knife. Other stuff..
Cool things I got for other people: Got my grandmother a lava lamp. Got my brother a laser sight for his pistol but it doesn't fit because I got the one for the Taurus PT 92 when he has a Taurus PT 92 AR. Gonna do some exchanging.
Got people coming over later then heading over to Laura's. Holla
Edit: haha you said turd
Total posts: 4332
12/25/2005 8:00 AM
nice catch ;-) GJ on getting a new pocket knife.. was it a Microtech Halo?
I hope you dont keep the waterfall pictar all to yourself by putting it in your room.. share the love man.
Total posts: 5118
12/25/2005 8:19 AM
'Twas not a Microtech Halo. It does have ducks on it though. I'm up for suggestions for the waterfall picture.
Mike you gonna bring the mandolin to ATL? I don't know if I have the facilities to accommodate.
Total posts: 4332
12/25/2005 9:46 AM
facilities to accomodate? i think you have confused with Although if mike did in fact get a mandarin for christmas that's all the more awesome.
Total posts: 897
12/25/2005 3:12 PM
My laptop is the coolest thing in the none. I've done as much with it as I can before Matt works his voodoo computer magic and makes it even cooler even though that's going to be hard to do. It's a gateway convertible notebook pc and if i were cooler I would put a linky here to the page on gateway's website (hint hint). I also got a super nice leather bag for it as well. Now when I get my class ring for my birthday I'll have everything I could possibly ever want almost. Merry Chritmas everybody! See you at the movie night.
Total posts: 1097
12/25/2005 3:17 PM
Dammit way to predict my present for you Matt. Now I'm going to have to get something much much lamer than a Chinaman for your gift.