Total posts: 2396
1/6/2016 1:39 AM
I got Ticket to Ride (US map) expansion pack 1 and 2 for Cards Against Humanity and juggling balls from my secret santa. I also won a cooler at our dirty santa.
We got a xmas gift from work and had a choice between a bluetooth headset wine or a cooler. I don't really like wine and I still have my QC15 so I went with the cooler. Then on xmas eve my sister gave me my cooler I left there like 2 halloweens ago. So now I can go to an ultimate frisbee tournament and have cold beverages for everybody! w00t!
Aryn my girlfriend :O got me Live Die Repeat on bluray Pass the Pigs (which is really simple but surprisingly entertaining) and some candy. :)
Total posts: 5115
1/6/2016 8:42 PM
A g-g-g-girl? Is she stalking us on 409?
Total posts: 5115
1/6/2016 8:46 PM
Also I looked at the hand planing website for like 30 seconds and their numbering system didn't make any sense so imma go ahead and scoff at it
Total posts: 751
1/9/2016 1:16 AM
The Lie-Nielsen numbering is based on the numbering of Stanley planes. Stanley started making planes in the 1800's and numbered their different models roughly sequentially in the order they were developed (sometimes Stanley's numbering was already kind of wacky). They ended up with hundreds of different models (there's a description of nearly every model here). Most were only produced for a short while some ended up being very popular and lasted. Lie-Nielsen (and a lot of other modern companies) model their planes after the popular original Stanley designs and keep the model numbering. So you end up with a line of planes that includes 4 4 1/2 5 5 1/2 6 7 and 62. See not confusing at all...
Total posts: 5115
1/9/2016 5:17 AM
Y'all crazy
Total posts: 2298
1/11/2016 9:37 AM
(Updated 1/11/2016 9:43 AM)
Haha yeah I love my lie nielsens. I finally got a sharpening system to work (dmt for coarse work/grinding and for flattening waterstones and 1000/6000 stones for honing) so I can really get at it. Got some Narex chisels too. Everything's nice and sharp and ready to cut my fingers. Haven't really messed with sawing/dovetails yet. I'm working on the crib which is mostly mortise and tenon work with a few arches so I'm kind of hybriding with table saw/crosscut sled/jointer/planer for dimensioning and trying to do finished surfaces with smoother plane/scraper and mortise tenons with router/table saw jig and chisels and shoulde plane for fine sizing. Will see how it goes. Oh drew if you reallly wanna know this is a pretty good article:
Total posts: 5115
12/25/2017 11:21 AM
2017! Lots of cool stuff happened but glad to be wrapping it up. We're just at home chillin. Nap time now.
Jeans: the only pair I had that didn't have holes or paint on them are skinny jeans and they make me angry when I wear them so these are appreciated
TMNT disc shooter
Indoor snow balls
R/C Camaro: this one is black, I got that yellow one years ago but it might not have made the move, could start a collection
Some xbox bucks
Nom noms
A Bluetooth speaker/nightlight: pretty sure it's got some stolen components because it's a no name brand but it shows up on Bluetooth as "JBL...."
Coup that game we played at GaS last year
Portal The Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game: looks fun, also includes a steam key for portal 2 which I already have, whoever tells me the sneakiest thing they did/would do for cake gets it
Barbies brother and sister and families (and dogs) are coming starting tomorrow it's gonna be wild here
Merry X-wanzakkah!
Total posts: 1048
1/7/2018 4:23 PM
Monies for a camera (Michael) and a double stroller (me)
new winter boots
maternity winter coat
various clothes
amazon echo (still not sure how we're actually gonna use this)
lots of toys & clothes (for Ada)
maybe Michael can update with other stuff if I forgot
Total posts: 5115
1/15/2018 10:49 AM
We use our echo to play music to put JV to sleep
Total posts: 1048
1/16/2018 11:05 PM
So far the echo has provided amusement in the form of Ada attempting to make it play music. She's obsessed with the song "shake it off" because of the movie "sing"
"Yexa! Pay sake it oss!"
Alexa is not cooperating.