
The best damn waste of time!

Game on

Total posts: 2399
Already on it. Shawn and I got pwnd by 3 hard armies...3 times. It also started lagging at the end of the game which is a little disappointing. GRAW looks pretty sweet though. I'm pretty terrible at FPS's but i'll play some CS with ya. Perhaps I'll be a saboteur and join the opposing time. :D
Total posts: 1368
I think that this needs to be the official G shirt
Total posts: 751
i just got in the replacement hard drive for my ipod...plugged it in and it's working perfect. so that means...4503 just might be getting a wii!!!!
Total posts: 4333
shit yeah
Total posts: 1097
How is the tourney going?
Total posts: 5120
Immediately after the purchase is made I proclaim Game ON: Wiikend in Thomasville to commence. You guys work out the details. Any weekend is good for me. If I get the call I gotta go and y'all can just chill at the apt but otherwise we should be good.
Total posts: 2399
Ok so CoH is officially badass! (That's Company of Heroes for the noobs). I was gonna make this same post yesterday but I went to get some screenshots from the game...Well 3 hours later Mike and I were discussing strategy about how we could've done it better. Basically it's an RTS with FPS-level detail when you zoom in close (It looks so sweet!!!). Everyone should download it so we get some 4v4 action going on. Steven's being a pansy and won't play because of lame excuses like having to write a thesis or "linux hates my gfx card." Maybe we can turn Wiikend into an Uber-"Trip the Circuit Breaker bc you have 6 computers plugged into one outlet"-Dork/Gamefest! That is if you guys aren't pansies too! =P~

Oh and Steve (no hard feelings bc of the pansy comment) :D I'm planning on buying Zelda and Rayman so maybe you can buy Excite Truck!!! Although this could be interesting...I wonder what game she's playing at the end lol.
Total posts: 2298
:-D :-D @ CoH
and : ( at not getting work done anymore ;-)
Total posts: 751
current lame excuse is i have zero functional operating systems until i have time to reformat
Total posts: 5120
We need a Wii now