
The best damn waste of time!

Game on

Total posts: 5115
All this talk about LAN stuff has me all hot and bothered. Since most of us are getting or have relatively new computars I think a online FPS would do some good. I propose either:

Everyone gets in on Counter-Strike Source

Unreal 2007

Battlefield 2142

Unreal and Battlefield come out this fall. Unreal would be more run and gun and will probably have mods but Battlefield has a more class based system with a command structure and strategery. I like Battlefield.

Edit: And Mike is trying to graduate after this fall semester. So this should be able to keep that from happening.
Total posts: 200
I'm probably actually going to buy the half-life2/c-s source packaged deal sometime this week. I'll let you know when i do that. Hopefully it will be on sell b/c ive seen it as low as 19.99 and i didnt get it then like a dumbass.

Is anything going on this next week? I have monday afternoon/tues/wed off before school starts. I have orientations thurs/fri and supposedly i will have an assignment before med school starts the 7th. So this is my "last" time to play with a free conscious so if anything is happening in atlanta or here let me know cuz I'm bored.
Total posts: 1076
Battlefield sounds more my style.
Total posts: 200
I think we need to start talking about this some more and hopefully Laurie will be able to fix her computer. But when we do the party I fully expect it to look like this.

50th post! pretty soon i will pass matt.
Total posts: 5115
By tomorrow evening I should have a good windows install and Counter Strike back up and running. Everyone needs to put CS:S on their new boxes stat.
Total posts: 5115
Joint Task Force
Total posts: 2298
Erm . . . speaking of game on posting from the corner of Bobby Dodd and Techwood camping out for Notre Lame tickets. As my friend richard so blithley observed: we're pro-Choice when the catholics get here. and they have no protection. and priests molest little boys. anyway finally doing that camping out for tickets thing. oh and our one ball and johnson are goign deflower them. or something. amen.
Total posts: 5115
Reggie Ball: unburdened with catholic guilt and free to scramble since 2003.

Yes a bit of a stretch I know...
Total posts: 751
Curse me and my desire for sleep since I didn't camp out for tickets it looks like I'll be watching the game from the apartment. Unless anyone knows of somebody that managed to get tickets but will be unable to go...
Total posts: 200
I was going to ask the same...anyone with extra tickets? I know it isnt possible but if there are some me and a female nd alumni would like to go. I have a big anatomy test this friday so I might come up anyways if y'all are planning anything.