
The best damn waste of time!

Talk about movies

Total posts: 5115
They should probably offer that on all blu ray releases
Total posts: 2298

Its a damn goldmine I tell you.  We should produce them and release them in something like RIffTrax format.  I'm trying to think of a good name for them ... 

Total posts: 5115
Ok you know what that's the only way you'll get me to watch Sophie's choice ever again
Total posts: 5115
I'm trying to think of brand names but I've already gotten in trouble for that sort of thing
Total posts: 2298
(Updated 10/9/2014 4:52 AM)

starting points:

names of well-known critics (siskel ebert roeper gene shalit)

Advice for the Heroine?  Heroine addicts?

She's just saying what we're all thinking. 

The Good Samaritan (referring to her courage in standing up and trying to help while the rest of us just sit there)

Cinema Apollo

Total posts: 4323

The Samaritan Sister

... that's all I've got at the moment. holler from the St Louis Airport!

Total posts: 5115
(Updated 10/9/2014 12:48 PM)
For Real Tho'

What's in st Louis besides possible riots this weekend?
Total posts: 5115
B'Hooty Reviews they just happen to correspond with watching the movie also yes Swype add B'Hooty to my dictionary
Total posts: 1076

a million ways to die in the west: wasn't expecting much. pleasantly surprised. great cameos to boot. 4/5 sheep dicks

Total posts: 5115
(Updated 11/24/2014 1:08 AM)

Snowpiercer: Out on Netflix now. If you haven't heard of it that's because the internet says Harvey Weinstein wanted to cut 20+ minutes out and replace it with some quick voice-over narration. They didn't do the cuts so Weinstein thought it would fail and didn't promote it. At 126 minutes I didn't feel there was any padding or stuff that needed to be cut. Anyways it's the post-apocalypse and everyone is on a train that goes round and round the earf so bring a little suspension of disbelief. The people in back want to be in the front and class stratification allegory blah blah blah. I mean I guess it's not really an allegory the whole idea is right out in the open. The visuals are great. As you're exposed to new things they are able to pull your interest in just by the way they look. The whole time I was watching I was looking forward discovering what was going on in the next train car and what it would look like. There's a face-off scene where the bad guys man they look really bad it was great. Side note: pretty brutal violence FYI. And when the characters get to new places on the train they seem like entire new worlds based on just the visuals. The story didn't really move me or stick in my mind but I remember how stuff looked and will for a while. 3.5 out of 5 inappropriate New Year parties

edit: also enjoyed feeling smart by noticing things and being like "that's prob a reference for later" and it was but it wasn't like way way subtle so i didn't have to be that smart