
The best damn waste of time!

Mundanity - teh new hotness

Total posts: 2398
Shawn, I too share that same fear, haha.  We haven't added the roof rack to our van yet, but once we do, I might need to invest in a cone or something, and remember to put it in the way so I don't pull in with kayak on the roof.  Maybe I'll just put one of the trash cans in the way.  Of course if we buy something and bring it home, there's a good chance it'll still be driven into the garage...

Total posts: 2398
So I've developed this awful habit where whenever I'm waiting for something during work (open a solution, build solution, run tests, etc), which can take as little as a few seconds, I instantly switch to my desktop (I remote into a VM) and browse to facebook/news/409.  I literally had to yell "stop" at myself today when I realized I was doing it.  It's pretty sad, but I guess the first step with addiction is admission, so hopefully I can work towards correcting this constant need for stimulation.
Total posts: 5118
Same, it's like *accomplish tiny work task* *check 409 reddit drudge email Twitter* *wait for page to load* *check ajc 409 game blogs* *brown time* *check reddit 409 YouTube*

I recently upgraded from 2GB of mobile data to unlimited since Barbie is ballin now so it got worse
Total posts: 5118
Ok I'm back, had to reply with concerns on a vendor's proposal, should earn me 10 min of screwing around
Total posts: 5118
Yo what's up I have to give a presentation in the conference room so I came in here to prep but the projector has to warm up
Total posts: 1051
In true Michael and Veronica fashion, we let last years halloween pumpkin rot and fall off the porch. So now a pumpkin vine has overtaken our bush in the front yard and appears to be flowering and fruiting.
Total posts: 5118
Yes but what about the enemies that live behind you?
Total posts: 1051
An office building lives behind us. But we do have a, uh, tense relationship with our next door neighbor. 
Total posts: 1368
You know what to do
Total posts: 1368
You know what to do