last week the drive train on my lawnmower died, i powered through and cut the yard without it but it was much harder, and i had already shoveled a bunch of gravel, so i'm pretty sure i bought it from home depot not that long ago and it was probably still under warranty, i don't think i have the receipt and i needed to narrow down the time period when i bought it, i remembered that i whined about the PMC lawnmower dying (RIP) here on 409 and i was able to find the
post with a date of august 12 which means i bought the toro lawnmower soon after, i thought maybe home depot would have the transaction somewhere on file and could find the receipt again because every time i shop there it prompts me if i want an email receipt sent to my email but i always get a paper receipt, so i go to the store and the clerk says she can't find anything under my email or phone number, i figure all my transactions are associated with my credit card number so i ask if she can look that up and she says she can, but then if you will refer to the post above this one, my credit card # was haxored so i cancelled it and got a new one, I try to guess it because it's similar to my new one and i remember the last 4 digits on the old one but no luck, i call capital one to see if they will give me the old one and
she said there was no way and i get kind of smart with her about how the thieves got my number but i can't get it? and i say thanks and hang up, i tried looking on various devices to see if i could think of any auto complete forms where the number might've been saved but couldn't find any, paypal and amazon etc only show the last 4 digits for the saved payment types, then i remember i shredded the card a few days prior so maybe it's still in the shredder in pieces, i go to my shredder and see most of it on top, i manage to get a good amount of plastic collected and am able to finally identify the old cc number, i call home depot on the phone and give them the number and they're totally able to find my receipt and send me a copy, so tomorrow i'll take it to a toro dealership to get it fixed under warranty (or will i?)
2) today i cleaned out the little catch bin that's on the bottom of my side load washing machine, i start the tub clean cycle and go downstairs and i hear noises and am like who is taking a shower, and i look around and there's water coming out of the exhaust fan in the bathroom and my inlaws in the basement start yelling at me about water dripping down there, so i stop the washer and see oh i didn't actually screw the catch bin in all the way, fun, i try to dry everything off as best i can, i don't think i'll have to replace any of the drywall ceiling but i'll have to paint it and i'll have to get 2 drop ceiling tiles for the basement, oh and when i got on the kitchen counter to touch the ceiling to feel if the ceiling is still wet i bashed my head against the light fixture and broke the frosted cover thing, yep