
The best damn waste of time!

409 Xtreme Consumer Reports

Total posts: 1076
speaking of comcast. the dumbasses have me in collections for $989. i disputed the info on my credit report and it came back verified. after several conversations with them they still have no idea how it happened nor have they offered up any solutions. court kuai dao le.
Total posts: 1323
i started writing a consumer report on why best buy sucks but it's way too complicated. long story short they pulled a bait and switch on me and a ton of other people all over the country early last week and didn't tell anyone about it until this week - after all the sales were over so they could offer a replacement model at much higher cost.Home Depot had the same problem with their inventory for the same sale (LG washer/dryer pair) except they offered all affected customers a free upgrade to the next model no questions asked and no hassle given.i pretty much had to threaten legal action against them for them to make the upgrade price reasonable. they originally wanted me to pay $275 more for a lower model pair or $400 for the higher model pair. the eventually found the correct model washer for me but i was able to argue with them and get them to give me the higher model dryer for $130 above the original price which was a sale price that i missed at another store. it only took 3 days 3 store visits and 5 angry phone calls... assholes.
Total posts: 5115
Sucks: this vevo thing or whatever youtube has playing all the music videos starts with an ad shows a fully loaded progress bar when you know it's not loaded and has to buffer like every 10 freakin seconds
Total posts: 1049
who doesn't love skymall?
Total posts: 4328

Those were some pretty spectacular reviews. Better than a lot of content I've read from Cracked.

Total posts: 5115

get $0.10 off every gallon of gas at shell stations by using your kroger plus card and shopping at kroger or entering a number associated with one and due to the kroger plus card cluster fuck scandal of 2005(?) i think any of our numbers should workactually how it's supposed to work

Total posts: 5115

if you're shopping at publix check the flyer from the front of the store usually if you spend $50 on groceries you get $10 a $50 gas card if you're nice to the checkout girl she'll ring up your $150+ worth of groceries and give you the discount on 3 gas cards without doing multiple/separate transactions makes it a $270 trip to publix though 

Total posts: 4328

That's awesome too bad we don't currently have a Publix within grocery distance.

Also I have to say you can't think of it as a $270 trip to publix. It's a $150 trip to publix meanwhile setting aside $120 to spend on cheap gas.

Total posts: 5115
(Updated 9/24/2014 5:14 AM)

but i also have to think about my credit card rewards (2% cashback at grocery stores 5% at gas stations) so it's really like spending $157[groc]+$150[gas cards]-$10*3[gas card disc]-$157*.02[groc cb]-$120*.02[gas card @ groc store cb]+$150*.05[gas cb missed out on] = $278.96 for $307 worth of gas and groceries

now i'm wondering if my gas station cashback applies to gift cards race trac has amazon etc cards...

Total posts: 5115

so it appears any regular purchases at gas stations apply to my gas cash back so yesterday we bought 4x$25 amazon gift cards at quik trip but then the register girl was like OK that'll be $90 and we're like huh and she says pretty often they sell $50 worth of amazon/itunes cards for $45 so i went home with the gift cards to try to buy more gift cards directly from amazon because they would give you a $10 credit code for buying $50 of gift cards unfortunately you cannot buy gift cards with gift cards so i did not get $120 of amazon money for $85.50 drat

but if anyone needs gift cards for say 2% off lmk and i'll make it happen