
The best damn waste of time!

Talk about movies

Total posts: 5115

TToF? or Sat?

Total posts: 2398

How about Chimpanzee?  It's not playing at movie tavern but if we watch it within the first week a portion of the proceeds go to the Jane Goodall Institute.

Total posts: 1049
TToF is better. I'm going to a friends wedding sat. And I'm down for any movie arif.
Total posts: 1076

i say we go check this out


Total posts: 5115
hope you're ready to have your mind blown
Total posts: 5115
or maybe this happened instead
Total posts: 5115

TToF feat the Avengers in glorious 2D showtimes at 6:15 9:15 9:45 i'm for the 9:15 showing and I would prefer to get there really early at like 8 to get in line for good seats and whatnot gonna prob buy the tickets in the afternoon tomorrow

Total posts: 2398

I'm down.  I might have to work late so I prefer 9:15.  

Total posts: 4327

I like the 9:15 as well -- Hannah and Mark are staying at our house tonight but first they'll be attending a cookout in Tucker.. So it might work out for them to meet us all at Movie Tavern after their cookout and we could have a merry band of moviegoers.

Total posts: 1049
Supposedly today is the date they traveled to in Back to the Future. Someone else can find the reference (i saw a picture on Facebook). Also it's Wednesday.