
The best damn waste of time!

How's it goin

Total posts: 4323
Just felt like checking in. How y'all doin?
Total posts: 5115
Hmmm no activity for a month then a couple weeks after the Russian invasion we get some questions about our personal business? I don't think so comrade
Total posts: 5115
You know what else is suspicious, the HVAC guy comes by for regular maintenance/checkup on the system on Monday and says hey here's a hot water heater quote it's pretty old but idk whatevs sand then Tuesday night the hot water stops working...

Total posts: 4323
Oh man it's a good thing he came when he did!

Following the Russian invasion has been, how you say, bumming me out. What a shitshow tragedy.
Total posts: 5115
(Updated 3/9/2022 9:19 PM)
To close the loop, I did replace the hot water heater today but not with that guy because no sir, other guy was $200 cheaper too, although I'm old enough to remember replacing the hot water heater at pmc and it was pretty much half what I just paid

Also to open the loop, I think the rona and the Russians are just two things that are speeding up the flux we are due for in the next couple decades, ready to start hearing about famines? because I think they're coming, my money says it's going to be a choppy next couple of decades, also I'm looking out for large parachute attack spiders
Total posts: 2396
Was just talking about the friendiversary today.  Would be nice if people would chime in. 

My company updated their Paternity leave from 2 weeks to 8 weeks, effective March 1st...thankfully they said we're covered by the policy, so I get another 6 weeks off, w00t!  Previously it was 8 weeks for primary caregivers and 2 for secondary.  We'll probably take 3 weeks off in the summer, so it'd be good if it coincided with the friendiversary. 

In other news, my aunt who just visited, tested positive for rona, so we probably caught it. I do have the sniffles, but that's most likely allergies. *shrugs*
Total posts: 1048
We’re good over here. Had a family quarantine back in January for the rona. There are so many kids in this house. Everything’s a mess. Someone is always crying. 

We are still game for friendaversary if we can nail down a week(end). 
Total posts: 751
Not a whole lot has changed up here even though I haven’t posted here in years. Jordan is almost 10, getting his Taekwondo and baseball on. I’m still working at ORNL, pretending to be a programmer and simulate nuclear reactors.
Total posts: 5115
I'll tell you how it's going, it's out of control and there's no rules anymore
Total posts: 1367
Wow, so when I was young my asthma would get triggered by dairy so I couldn’t have milk with my cereal. For years I used apple juice as my milk and didn’t think anything of it.