
The best damn waste of time!

How's it goin

Total posts: 5115
I'll confess I also used apple juice as milk but only when we were out of milk and only with certain cereals, if we were friends as kids Shawn I could've told you when this was acceptable since you obviously didn't know, and asthma isn't an excuse I had asthma too but I also had self respect, asthma never killed anyone except when it did
Total posts: 5115
Party idea: this idea came about because Barbie took me to a birthday party with some of her work people and I knew zero people and I was struggling, idea: a party where when you get there you write 3 or 4 topics on a hang tag around your neck that says "ask me about:" so like right now I'd list video games/video game music, old testament, and impending global demographic collapse and the implications thereof, so people could come up to me and ask me about any of those and we can converse, minimal risk of getting pulled into a conversation you immediately regret and wish you just stayed awkwardly isolated for the whole party 
Total posts: 2396
Maybe on a name tag sticker so it's not quite as awkward:

  1. Anime/Manga
  2. Football
  3. Generals ZH Strats
Total posts: 5115
I'm going to send a spy to the next party you're at to ask you about your strats then use that info against you and still lose mwahaha
Total posts: 1048
That’s a good idea. 
Total posts: 1048
In other news, our AC is out and we live in Mississippi so THAT’S HOW IT’S GOING RIGHT NOW.
Total posts: 1367
I was at a happy hour the other day and what broke the ice was someone saying that guy over there knows a lot about lawn grass. He did know a lot about grass.
Total posts: 5115
If he had a sign that said "grass" would you have asked him about it?

I remember at PMC Matt telling me he got nailed down by the tree guy for an hour talking about trees 
Total posts: 4323
When we got our glass shower installed, the dude spent a good 20 minutes on his back yard gardening passion. Apparently I have a "talk to me about plants" look about me, which I'm fine with I guess.

So my list would be something like:
Virginia Creeper
Lifestyle Creep
Creep by Radiohead
Total posts: 1048
We have soooo much Virginia creeper in our yard. Michael downloaded an app where you can take a picture of plants and it tells you what plant it is. This was his first picture.