
The best damn waste of time!

I'm sure you guys wouldn't be interested in . . .

Total posts: 2298
Our second jazz band concert? 8pm Wed at the Ferst center? Yeah we're not exactly the Ramsey Louis Trio (who IS coming next week btw!) but if you're bored I'd love to see you guys there :-D
Total posts: 5115
I have class so I won't be there.

In addition I have to be at school Wednesday night so I won't be there. *zing*

Also we need to organize the Williams St. Five reunion tour sometime.
Total posts: 2298
Ok so here's the plan: V's parents have a cabin in the mountains of North Carolina (~3 hr trip). The plan is for V and I and a couple of her track team friends (read: girls) and WHOEVER ELSE MIGHT BE INTERESTED to head up there on friday (March 9th) afternoon/evening and to leave Sunday morning/noon. The view is supposed to be awesome temp. 30 at night 50 in the day. There's skiing (expensive but it's there) and the regular stuff - video games movies disc - all that stuff we would waste our weekend doing but getting the heck out of ATL. It's near a small mountain town where we can get some grubs. And of course it would be just us college or slightly post college kids so we could just party ourselves into oblivion should we so choose. V and her friends and I are already going but there are 3 bedrooms an air mattress and a couch (and 2 full bathrooms) so everyone should totally come!!! I don't want to hear any weak-ass excuses from couples either - it would be some great getaway time for both of you! Ok that's it. This thread has never been very successful at getting people on board with stuff except for the time i said free beer. So . . . . I'll buy you a beer if you come :-D
Total posts: 2298
Judging a High School Engineering competition? I'll be doing this you should join me if you're interested.
SECME is looking for GT students and others to help judge a K-12
engineering competition. The Georgia Regional SECME Student Engineering
Design Competition will be held on Saturday April 14 2007 at Southern
Polytechnic State University.

They need 35-40 volunteers.

Volunteers should contact for more
information and to sign up.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffery Murfree []
Sent: Thursday March 22 2007 4:20 PM
Subject: SECME Georgia Regional Student Engineering Design Competitions

It is that time of year again Student Engineering Design Competition
time. We would like to invite the you and your colleagues to volunteer in
support of only serving as judges and facilitators of the Georgia
Regional SECME Student Engineering Design Competition. This regional
competition qualifies student teams and winners to participate on the
national stage. This year's Georgia Regional SECME Student Engineering
Design Competition will be held on Saturday April 14 2007 and our host
is Southern Polytechnic State University.

The Georgia Regional SECME Student Engineering Design Competition will
consist of K-12 students participating in individual and team competitions
on three levels: Elementary Middle and High School. The elementary
division consists of grades K-5. The middle school division consists of
grades 6-8 and high school division consist of grades 9-12. We have
planned an exciting day of competitions for all three divisions. The
elementary division competitions will consist of: Paper Airplane
Competition the Egg Drop Competition the Balloon Car Race Competition
the SECME Essay Competition and the SECME Poster Competition. Elementary
students will compete for prizes and trophies and in the SECME Essay and
Poster Competition the right to represent in the SECME National Poster and
Essay Competition.

Middle School and High School division competitions will consist
of: Water Rocket Competition the Brain Bowl Competition the SECME
Mousetrap Car Competition and the SECME Poster and Essay Competitions.
These teams and students will compete to represent the state of Georgia in
the National SECME Poster and Essay Competition and to represent the state
of Georgia this summer at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the
National Student Finals of the Mousetrap Car Competition June 28 -July 1

We need volunteers to assist in facilitating and judging these
competitions on Saturday April 14 2007. I have attached a matrix
outlining the competitions and the number of volunteers needed for the
Georgia Regional Student Competition. Guidelines for each of the
competitions are available on our web site navigate to
the Georgia Regional tab and look for competition guidelines. Any and all
volunteers will be appreciated. I can guarantee that the volunteers will
have an exciting and fun day. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Please let me know by March 23 2007 if you will be able to participate.
If you have questions please let me know. My contact info is listed
below. Thank you in advance for considering this request. Jeff

Jeffery Murfree
Manager Science Technology and Teacher Professional Development SECME
Inc College of Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Office (404) 894-6554 Toll Free @
1-888-262-8307 Fax (404) 894-6553 Mobile (770) 653-1497
Total posts: 5115
a whole lotta video game sheet musics these kinda sites have a habit of disappearing from the interwebs so i'll be d/ling any and all items of interest directly
Total posts: 1076
I have extra tickets to see Tool in Greenville that I couldn't pawn off on eBay. So i'll sell them @ cost. Someone can either buy all 4 or me and 3 others can just get together and go see Tool. I'm going to see them the week before in Birmingham too.
Total posts: 5115
what's the date for the greenville show?
Total posts: 200
i believe it is june 5th which is a tuesday? what section are they in?
Total posts: 1076
yup june 5th. section 100.
Total posts: 5115
not sure what i'll be up to in june i'll let you know if i'm in though