
The best damn waste of time!

I'm sure you guys wouldn't be interested in . . .

Total posts: 2298

Coming to ATL tomorrow (Feb 23) and next thursday (Mar 2). Oh man.
I think the general idea is that you see presentations on the beer meet the dudes who make it and try out lots of it. w00t.
Total posts: 4331
hell yes. i just had a guinness tonight and it was fabulous.

who wants to go? I'm up for a beer tasting. is tomorrow good for anyone or would next week work out better?
Total posts: 897
next week would be better i have to get up at an ungodly hour friday morning to drive to augusta for senior design
Total posts: 751
let me know which one we're doing if we don't go tomorrow night then i'll probably go to athens
Total posts: 5116
I can't guarantee I'll be done with class anytime before 7 tomorrow. What time is it happening?
Total posts: 897
I think we should do it next week so people can get their crap together. It's kind of short notice for tomorrow.
Total posts: 2298
I can't do it next week so i'm going tomorrow whoever wants to come is welcome ;-)

It's 6:30 - 8:30 and apparently walking distance from Tech.
Total posts: 751
you can count me drunk
Total posts: 897
You shouldn't give people options if you don't have any poo head :-p.

Total posts: 2298
OK i was wrong about next week turns out i can go so who's up for that?