next week i have an equestrian club meeting tonight.
Total posts: 5118
2/23/2006 6:27 AM
I should be good for next week.
Total posts: 4331
2/23/2006 8:59 AM
faaaantastic. i'm in for next week.. registration time!!1
rachel I put you down as my guest so you dont have to register.
I'll let everyone else figure out who they're bringin
Total posts: 751
2/23/2006 9:02 AM
count me sober...for tonight at least
Total posts: 897
2/23/2006 10:26 AM
does that make me your hot date?!? ;-)
Total posts: 2298
2/23/2006 4:20 PM
i've got Steven as my date. . .
Total posts: 1097
2/24/2006 5:08 AM
Total posts: 897
3/1/2006 2:20 AM
I have to defend the stupid equestrian club budget tomorrow from 7:15-7:30...I'll probably go leave and come back if that's allowed. I love it when they give you less than 36 hours notice. Stupid SGA.
Total posts: 2298
10/3/2006 7:35 AM
FREE BOOZE?!? You believed in Guinness now are you ready to take the Johnny Walker Journey? (pwd "water") Much like journeying the Appalacian Trail this could be a quality friendship building experience and a chance to embarrass yourself for free things. So if you want some good liquor and free shotglasses and perhaps a free tshirt holla.