
The best damn waste of time!


Total posts: 5115
I think the ratio of finished/unfinished threads in WoT is relatively high, and probably comparatively higher when weighted for raw thread count
Total posts: 2396
Finished book 8.  It's short relative to the other books, but some important threads have progressed, others have unraveled, rather explosively.  On to book 9.
Total posts: 5115
I'm reading book 4 of the stormlight archive, which is Brandon Sanderson's big thing, I went through the audio books 1-3 as they released but I don't remember what any of the proper nouns mean and who most of these people are or most of what has happened, kinda feels like a calculus midterm from back in the day, anyways the books are ok I guess I'm having an ok time
Total posts: 2396
That's why I feel like I have to power through WoT.  Not that it's not interesting, but know in like two years I'll be like, who the f is Cadsuane?  

I remember back when I had tried to pick up WoT again for the 2nd time, I came across Loial, and I realized I had no idea what an Ogier was...

I had a co-worker who said he enjoyed reading multiple series at the same time.  I'd be so confused if I started another fantasy series.
Total posts: 751
I skipped over most of this thread because I started reading WoT and it seemed like there might be some spoilers in there. I’m on book 4 and at my current rate of progress I’ll finish the series around the time I retire.
Total posts: 2396
Nice!  I'm half way through book 10.  I've slowed my pace a bit, but I might get back to a book a month.
Total posts: 2396
Just finished book 10.  I suppose I'll go back and reread the prequel.
Total posts: 2396
(Updated 1/31/2023 4:51 PM)
Just finished New Spring.  Definitely had more impact knowing the characters.  On to book 11.
Total posts: 2396
Just finished Knife of Dreams (book 11).  Damn that was fun!  On to book 12!
Total posts: 5115
Brando Sando time, I think you'll agree he does as well as anyone could have,

Mildest of mild spoilers below non plot related:

he is on record saying the biggest thing he gets wrong at this stage is Mat's characterization, so don't assume something weird is going on with Mat