
The best damn waste of time!


Total posts: 5118
I think if you're able to forgive the show's own internal inconsistencies it can be an ok show, it's hard for me to tell from my perspective but I think they're egregious enough to be distracting

But really I look at what they made and think about what it could be if they just made different decisions, it was pretty disappointing, I think they could have made a more compelling and even more popular show if they followed what was written, but the show thinks there's things that need to be fixed and it's worse for it, if I hear some reviews that it gets much better next season I'll check it out, but I doubt it changes unless the show staff got gut checked by some execs or something
Total posts: 5118
rant mode activated: i mean let's just take the prologue as an example (spoilers ahead):

- book prologue: mystery guy A leisurely looking for his wife wandering through a castle stepping over dead women and children, mystery guy B says dude you're crazy  look around and magically heals A so he's lucid, A says hey you killed my family and B says no u, and shows A that B is right, A killed his family and actually the whole world basically, A is like AHHH and teleports himself away and magically blows himself up creating a whole mountain doing so

- show prologue: some ladies oh horseback chasing 2 dudes on foot, they keep going around corners and it's awkwardly long, they catch up to the dudes and one of the ladies says something internally inconsistent, then there's one dude and nothing else happens and it's never spoken of again

- show's attempt to reference the book prologue some episodes in: 2 fancy pants people drink some tea or something and say some stuff and then one of them leaves

i mean i get that book prologue sounds expensive to make but like you're opening the whole show and world up to people let's see what you got man
Total posts: 2399
Just finished book 4.  I'm still ignoring discussion of the show until I'm finished, mainly because I don't know much of the books is included.
Total posts: 5118
They included just the right amount to make me angry about it, like any less they could've been writing a different story which is where I'm at with it now, any more and they would've made a better show 
Total posts: 2399
Book 5 done.  Pretty intense!

Yeah, it's unfortunate about the show, it would be fun to see the books come to life.   Maybe in 10 years they'll do a reboot and they'll get it right.   There's some things I feel wouldn't translate well to live action though. All of the internal dialog, or the Aes Sedai ageless, mostly expressionless, faces.

Anyhow, on to book 6.
Total posts: 5118
Book 6 is where they really start thinking outside of the box
Total posts: 2399
Just finished book 6.  Asha'man death circles ftw!  Though it's not clear how Taim would've been able to Travel to the right location. 

Anyhow, on to book 7!
Total posts: 5118
I couldn't remember the answer to your Taim question so here's a reddit thread that came up
Total posts: 2399
I had thought of similar explanations.  Natael had mentioned Travelling involves knowing where you are well, more so than where you're going.  Rand alludes to that when dismissing Travelling as a means to escape the battle.  Anyways, it's a minor detail.  
Total posts: 2399
Just finished book 7.  Entertaining, but lots of lose ends left to pursue, so on top book 8.