
The best damn waste of time!

Teh music thread

Total posts: 4328


Total posts: 1367

We just took this international

Total posts: 1076

I keep thinking there is no way they can up the ante.

Total posts: 1076

this is the one i saw when i had that thought

Total posts: 1076

I watched Pearl Jam Twenty the other day (which I highly recommend) and it reminded me why I loved the band so much back in the 90's.

Anyway now they have remastered versions of the first several albums. It is very crazy to compare the two especially now knowing what I do about music and producing. Though the remastered version is cleaner and brings to light a lot of elements you will never notice in the original version I still prefer the original. I'm sure mostly for nostalgia's sake but also because that sound was grunge. The remastered version is something totally different. It makes me wonder if the new version would have been a hit (or at least as big of one) back then.


Total posts: 5115

i don't think i was ever aware of the remaster can't wait to get on the desktop with some good speakers for a listen but yeah i agree 10 is probably the best "live" sounding album of all time and any change will take away from it in my opinion there's only two types of sounds that producers should ever strive for: either like the band is in the room with you for a live sound (like ten) or that there is no separation between the recorded audio and the speakers ever listen to jagged little pill with good headphones? it's like the bass and guitar are right in your head and you can hear the individual tracks completely but a live sounding production is more about the synergy of it all

Total posts: 1076

i just found out that there is a way to make a hidden track on a cd that comes before track 1. in order to find it you have to start the album and then rewind. mind blown

Total posts: 1076

i was looking forward to OLP's new album but i got busy and forgot it came out 2 MONTHS AGO! just d/l'ed it and on a quick listen i'll go ahead and say it is better than their last two albums. given time to really absorb it i'm pretty sure i will dig it

Total posts: 4328

2 days ago I received an update for the Amazon MP3 app on my android phone. Among the changes listed was a "scan and match" feature that sounded tantalizingly similar to the iTunes Match service covered earlier in this thread. It is indeed the same idea -- download a program to scan your library and any songs that are available for purchase on Amazon's mp3 store are "imported" (no need for uploading) into your Amazon Cloud Player account. I'm pretty sure any songs that it can't match will be uploaded. Any songs that are in your Cloud Player account can then be downloaded as the high quality 256 kbps mp3's that you would get if you purchased them normally. You can download 500 songs at a time using the Amazon mp3 downloader.

Using a free cloud player account you can get up to 250 songs this way. With a premium account ($25/yr) you can import up to 200000 songs. This would be as uninviting as the iTunes Match option except for 2 important differences:

  1. I don't need to put my songs into iTunes to pull the old pirated-to-legit 256 kbps transition
  2. I currently have a promotional Cloud Player Premium upgrade that expires August 18.

So all of this means that I will be upgrading my music library to the HQ stuff in the next 2 weeks. The import is running now and it looks like it can handle all ~5400 songs in one go no problem. The downloading process will be a bit more tedious but assuming I can select whole albums (or artists.. or genres) at a time it won't be bad at all.

Does anyone else have a promotional premium cloud account? I don't remember if I did something a while ago to activate it or if they just gave everyone premium accounts at launch? Either way I'm taking full advantage while I can.

Total posts: 1367
(Updated 8/2/2012 6:20 AM)

I have the promotional Amazon cloud drive although I only use about 1gb and 5gb is free for everyone. I got the 20gb last year when I bought a mp3 album and they upgraded me. I buy all my music through Amazon and really like their service though. They have backed up all my music online to the Cloud Player (which is a free service) for the last few years which is very nice. The premium part is only if I want to upload any older non-Amazon purchased music.

I do pay $5 a month for 100gb for Google Drive storage and have been pretty happy with it so far. Upload/downloading is pretty simple. I may eventually switch to Amazon though because their 100gb drive is $50/year (-$10 cheaper than Google). Will wait for the reviews. I also pay another $5/month to Backblaze for an unlimited online mirror backup of my hard drive. Essentially I pay $10/month to not rely on any external hard drives. But always looking for ways to lower this. Suggestions?

Eventually I would like to find an application that would let me backup my hard drive using the "free" space existing on my google drive account but I have yet to find that.