Total posts: 5115
7/24/2007 6:39 AM
Grand CentralIt does all sorts of things for phones. Look at the features section. They're taking reservations now for when they open the beta up wider. I reserved a 404 number I think.
Total posts: 4328
8/9/2007 8:07 AM
I just got my beta invitation and sent out a few invitations to you guys. You're limited to 10 invitations so if i didnt get to you and you want one post in here; i'm sure someone else that I invited will be happy to send one your way.
Total posts: 4328
8/9/2007 8:08 AM
also lets try to avoid the joost craziness; if you're going to send an invite to someone reply in here so we know who's already been invited.
Total posts: 5115
8/9/2007 8:41 AM
i haven't heard anything since i reserved the number hopeully with an invite i'll get some functionality no?
Total posts: 4328
8/9/2007 2:54 PM
yeah you definitely get some functionality with the invite.
Total posts: 5115
8/11/2007 3:48 AM
haven't seen the invite yet :(
Total posts: 2398
8/11/2007 3:04 PM
w00t! Mobile Google Maps It works amazingly fast too. Although if you're paying for your data plan by the kb this probably isn't for you.
Total posts: 4328
8/12/2007 5:11 PM
whoops.. turns out drew was not one of the ppl i had invited. I was using gmail's email auto-complete and then copying from one tab to the other.. but i was doing it at work :-X and got distracted in the middle so apparently after i auto-completed drew's email address i moved on to the next one without actually pasting it in the form.
no worries because one of the invites i sent bounced back because their email wasn't set up to accept stuff from me.. their loss :) you should have the link in your suprmelo.at.g account now.
Total posts: 4328
3/7/2008 12:25 AM
Total posts: 310
3/7/2008 1:42 AM
yay! more ease of use without the complications of safely compartmentalizing your personal information!