
The best damn waste of time!


Total posts: 5118

congrats and to prove your sergeantness and satisfy my curiousity please explain chinese military rank structure and how it compares to the ours

Total posts: 1076
(Updated 1/1/2014 10:02 AM)

there is a world standard for military rank (the NATO standard). china's rank structure is pretty much identical to ours. they have 9 enlisted ranks and 10 officer. the officer hierarchy is identical to the US military. their enlisted structure is different in that an E-3 is considered a Non-Comissioned Officer and the the top 4 enlisted ranks are Senior NCOs. in our rank structure you aren't an NCO until E-5 and senior enlisted are E-7 and up (with the exception of the Navy who consider their E-4s NCOs).


fun fact about the chinese is that their military is called the PLA (People's Liberation Army) and all of their branches begin with PLA i.e. PLAN (PLA-Navy) and PLAAF (PLA-Air Force). my favorite is the air division of their navy PLANAF (The People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force).

Total posts: 5118

that's got to be a confusing football game

Total posts: 5118

i was just thinking about all the cool ip addresses we have to be getting here what with your assignment and all i remember my brother called me from afghanistan and it came up as like a 5 digit phone number

Total posts: 1076

i use a vpn but sometimes i forget to log into it

Total posts: 2298
Matt you goin to work for th damn chiNEEZ now?
Total posts: 4331

No I'm not working for Motorola Mobility. Good ol' Motorola Solutions is still going strong American as they come.

But if I were working for the Chinese I probably wouldn't tell you here anyway.


Total posts: 5118

whatever enjoy scott reading all your emails now

Total posts: 4331
So I just reviewed this thread. What a wild ride of progress we've all had.

When I left Motorola, my title was "Principal Staff Engineer", and my new position was a lowly "Senior Engineer" with Dell Secureworks (the recruiter originally framed it as Staff Engineer, which is what I put on my LinkedIn Profile.. and then when they sent the official offer letter he was like "weeell actually..." but the pay was fine so whatever).

Welp, 5 years later I've finally regained my principles, but no Staff this time. Hooray!

Instead of my usual "Hot tub?" expenditure suggestion, I now am obligated to say things like "Increase the 529 contributions?" or "Pay off the van?", which is decidedly less fun. Then again, I never did buy a hot tub with my previous bonus / raise / promotion moneys, whereas I am much more likely to follow through with these options.
Total posts: 4331
I had to go find the image that Drew uploaded for page 6 for my previous Principal position: