Total posts: 4331
6/10/2013 1:14 AM
So Michael were you posting in here to say that despite a recent promotion you're still everyone's bitch? Or were you just updating us on your life as it relates to promotions and the lack thereof?
#congratswelldone or #hangintherebro respectively
Total posts: 1051
6/10/2013 1:28 AM
every year he technically moves up the ladder (sort of a promotion?). but by being a resident he is everybody's bitch. i think he just also has a couple of his own bitches. is that correct love?
he'll always be my bitch though.
Total posts: 2298
6/11/2013 3:51 AM
Yes yes yes and absolutely.
Total posts: 1051
8/22/2013 4:13 AM
I guess this can go here since there's no "Teh I GOT A REAL JOB" thread
Total posts: 4331
8/22/2013 7:05 AM
Congrats! What're the deets of your new real jorb?
Total posts: 5118
8/22/2013 7:39 AM
teachering? naked vacuuming? congrats either way
Total posts: 1051
8/22/2013 10:10 AM
Teachering at the charter school I've been subbing at. Real paycheck but things might be cray. And school starts Monday. And I don't have a classroom. Hmmm...
Total posts: 4331
8/23/2013 1:09 AM
So should I deactivate the sub-finder?
Total posts: 1051
8/23/2013 11:58 AM
Yeah I guess for now that'd be good. Thanks. It was super helpful last year. Nice thing about working at a charter school is that they can do whatever they want. So since none of the teachers felt ready to start the school year Monday they just decided to wait another week and start after Labor Day giving us more time to prepare.
Total posts: 1076
12/31/2013 8:29 AM
you may now address me as "sergeant"