watch american idol next tuesday. they're doing jacksonville which is where i auditioned. this is megan bohls. i met her in line and shared a good luck kiss with her (score!). she made it to hollywood. so if anyone needs to pass an audition . . . pucker up. matt? drew?
p.s. she auditioned with 'the pot'
Total posts: 2298
1/25/2009 8:25 AM
see v you CAN catch brain cancer from making out with someone
Total posts: 1049
1/25/2009 12:22 PM
and the moral of the story is....
wash your hands.
how deep.
Total posts: 5115
1/25/2009 8:13 PM
heh doctor humor: "i think it could be a fluke"
Total posts: 1097
1/26/2009 6:04 AM
Could be a fluke but it looks like a tapeworm.
Total posts: 1076
1/27/2009 3:01 PM
Total posts: 1076
1/27/2009 4:39 PM
i can't believe i never thought to look this one up. i kinda hoped the video would be on par with the song but it's a bit of a let down. still . . . good times man. good times.