it's true indians really DO do everything better! ;-)
Total posts: 2298
11/14/2005 5:43 AM
Dammit I am such a newb. I dunno how to post videos. Anyone?
Total posts: 4327
11/14/2005 7:13 AM
fixored -- looks like u had some extra backslashes or something.. anyway it shoudl be ok now
note to the casual viewer: this video doesn't seem to be streaming so your browser will have to download the whole thing before it plays it in the window.. but it *will* play it :)
Total posts: 2398
11/14/2005 11:27 AM
haha we have a new idea for rasterbator. 140+ digits of pi so steve can read them off while juggling 4 balls! w00t. plus we'd have pi on our walls.