Some movies watched over the past couple weeks:
Zootopia: Fun and charming enough for a Pixar movie. Also there's lots of room for whatever subtext you want interpret, but they shy away from. 3.5 out of 5 Lemming Bros accounts. Also if the movie wasn't dark enough for you, you can pretend
this deleted scene still is in the movie.
Jason Bourne: A return to form after the last one was pretty bleh. It does get a bit formulaic as in go to a city, exposition, action, repeat a few times. They bring up a lot of topical topics but never really dive in to them, but it serves to give a relevant and timely feel if not directly making statements about them. Bourne gets a few more answers so that moves us forward in the whole scheme of things. 4 out of 5 "stuff we're gonna break during this scene" budget line items
Sisters: If Tina Fey and Amy Poehler being cute at each other sounds like fun to you than here you go. Otherwise I got 3 mild chuckles out of the whole thing. Someone wrote a bland script and gave it to them and was like OK go be funny. 2 out of 5 don't cares
Central Intelligence: The Rock and Kevin Hart being silly together is more fun. Good for a few laughs. 3 out of 5 people's elbows