
The best damn waste of time!

Talk about movies

Total posts: 5115
Crazy times we live in
Total posts: 5115
I mean really when hope for a creative endeavor comes when the creator sells it to a globe spanning mega corp
Total posts: 5115
i don't think barb has really had a good viewing of the only 3 star wars movies that exist right now so i'm trying to set that up i don't want any greedo shoots first/hayden christenson(?) shens so i found a reddit thread about the despecialized edition basically a 720p version of the movies as close to original release as possible youtube story here:

Total posts: 1076

damn i can't imagine the amount of hours spent on that

Total posts: 1076

moar star wars. in fact all the same time


Total posts: 5115
fear leads to anger anger leads to hate hate leads to high speed pursuits the dark side is real yall
Total posts: 5115

The Martian - I really enjoyed it. It was nice to watch something with weight that doesn't make you feel like people are horrible and repulsive. It's not like a complete nerd fest if that's what you're wondering. Saw it in regular D and it was fine. Denouement was a little weak. If you see it I imagine you'll have a good time. 4 out of 5 2 year old farts.

Side note with some spoilers: With big ticket media nowadays I'm always watching out for China. Like whether they partly financed the production or whether some content got made with a mind for permission to release in China. I'd really like to know what the role in either of those was in this movie.

Total posts: 1367

A few quick reviews of movies I've seen recently

  • The Interview 6.5/10 - This was better than I thought it was going to be.
  • The Kingsman Secret Service: 7/10
  • 50 Shades of Grey: 5.5/10 - I never read the books but the movie was so so. I felt like it could have been much better. I was surprised when the movie ended because I thought it had about 20 minutes more story left.
  • Ex Machina: 7/10 - Alittle slow for me but really interesting movie
  • Somm: 8/10 - pretty interesting documentary about these people trying to pass the advanced Sommelier exam
  • Snowpiercer: 8/10 - This was a cool movie. I kinda want to watch again.

I've been trying to be more focused on my movie watching this year. Here is my current list of things to see in no particular order.

  • Pawn Sacrifice
  • Mission Impossible Rogue Nation
  • The Martian
  • Walk in the Woods
  • Ant Man
  • Furious 7
  • The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Spectre (Nov)
Total posts: 2298

Kingsmen was an over-the-top romp!

Total posts: 1323

Drew China wasn't due to financing or anything like that - it was in the book too.