
The best damn waste of time!

The Medical School Thread

Total posts: 5111
i was thinking about universal health care today and i'm completely against it unless following doctor's orders is required for maintaining coverage i.e. if you're a fat smoker and the doctor is like "diet exercise and stop smoking" and you don't do it you have to pay your own damn bill rather than everybody else in the country/state paying for it

as med students i can't imagine anything but full support for this conditional due to potential for hilarity and extortion i.e. "the only way to cure that eczema is for me to sex j00" they either say yes and you get sexings or they say no and keep costs down for all of us win/win

maybe this commences the legislative aspect of The Project
Total posts: 1097
Current universal health care plans use more of an incentive plan utilizing Americans' preference for carrots over sticks.

This is one of (several) reasons the bill gets little support from conservatives. They dislike the idea of anyone getting a "free ride" from the system even if all of the studies show that it's less cost for everyone in the long run. Control that hobo's diabetes for a couple hundred bucks before it turns into a $15k amputation.

The only people losing out are those invested in insurance companies. Well that and doctors that get off on amputations.
Total posts: 5111
$15k? i'll do it for $15 hundred

consumer choice FTW
Total posts: 2298
did my rectal exam thursday. the glove broke. inside. also I had to sit in the stirrups to demonstrate for the gyn exam and my legs cramped and i made a very feminine noise. fun day.
Total posts: 5111
i hereby revoke your physical contact privileges
Total posts: 1097
My preceptorship is at an endocrinologist so no rectal exams yet. Other than standard history and physical the only "procedure" I've done was a thyroid biopsy. No cancer yay!
Total posts: 2298
Hooray free doctor-recruiting shit!
Total posts: 5111
once again med school is completely optional

at least they had a specialization which is not mentioned in the article
Total posts: 2298
i need a memorable mnemonic for the acronym PITSU
Total posts: 5111
sounds like a japanese person saying "pit"