
The best damn waste of time!

The Medical School Thread

Total posts: 4318
according to this forum thread you can just move the files.. and then double check your database for any absolute paths that need to be changed. you might not have any of those though.
Total posts: 5111
i can't remember if i told you guys or not but i'm the webmaster for an upcoming page about a study of child prostitution in atlanta so it'll be pretty much a 409 rip-off user id's and all
Total posts: 4318
i thought you had to change the names and faces to protect the belligerent
Total posts: 5111
i'll be promoting the enthusiastic
Total posts: 1097
How I spent my weekend

You can see me a couple times I'm behind the speaker to her right.
Total posts: 4318
haha i heard you say "YYEEAAAAaaahh"
Total posts: 2298
heheh hey i agree with you but i wonder if there are more med students or doctors behind the bill ;-)
Total posts: 2298
not that this is a unique experience to several of you but i cut a dead man's penis off today. I think I felt emotion. end post.
Total posts: 4318
Did you have raging German music in the background? or was it only in your head?
Total posts: 1097
I got to scoop poop earlier this week. No emotion though...

P.S. concerning SB840

This flavor of universal health care is not currently supported by the AMA (see AMA and Medicare) but there are many physicians who see this as the only way to save healthcare in California.

If you guys are actually interested I could post some literature in a new thread. The more you know!