
The best damn waste of time!

The Medical School Thread

Total posts: 2298
orientation for my psych rotation starts tomorrow! i'm all atwitter! (v and i decided this was the best mix of excitement and nervousness. ) I'm going to be at the North Little Rock VA hospital home of the most undone of undones should be wild! I might tell a few stories as the weeks progress (names changed to protect the innocent) if someone were to make this members only . . .
Total posts: 2394
*phew* for a second there I thought you started using twitter! i refuse to tweet or twit or twut or twat with anyone on twitter! atwitter could also mean the absense of twitter! i'm all atwitter about atwitter! twat did you say? twat i said not! twas twarrificly terriful of you to say not twat. intwatitably!
Total posts: 1045
arif you would never refuse a twat....
Total posts: 5111
o rly?
Total posts: 2394
incidently that situation arose because I didn't refuse it.

i have refused a twat though. once haha. some girl wanted to take me home from a bar in orlando and I kindly said no thrice. (in hindsight i should've said yes to make the better story) this was the same night that I tore my pants and busted my finger. considering I have absolutely no recollection of the latter mishap it's safe to say I was thoroughly smashed--not in the sexually euphemistic sense of course (but who the hell uses smashed as a sexual euphemism anyways?).

that's the only one i've refused. i'm glad I haven't had many offers otherwise i'd be a dirty whore with one of these.
Total posts: 2298
my new webmistress is an attempt at a med school wiki - what to expects resources study materials etc. check out my progress on . user:409erpwd:!mKAO!
Total posts: 2298
Done with the thread SUCKA. oh and also med school. Yer looking at Dr. R. Michael Dorman's first post!
Total posts: 5111
Total posts: 4318


Total posts: 2298

R(MD)^2 :D