
The best damn waste of time!


Total posts: 5116
They would be trophy pants. Also it shows the terrorists who wears the pants in this here country.
Total posts: 200
I think it is about time to get this tread started back up again. Saw the Trailer for Season 6 on tv the other day. I cant find the exact one I saw (it had some extra scenes in it) but it looked like one of the guys from the bluetooth group is in it and getting his punishment (at least I thought it was him it was a split second shot but it isnt in the trailer above). so according to fox the new season starts again with a 2 nighter. "2 night 4 hour premiere Sun Jan.14th 8/7c and Mon Jan15th 8/7c.
Total posts: 751
and it will be shown in 4503 in high def!!!
Total posts: 200
hope everyone remembered to watch. after the show fox54 gave some 24 fan sites one ( doesnt exist but the other all of jack's kills and what weapon was used is pretty cool.
Total posts: 2398
season 6 episode 1:
Total posts: 200
Here is a little secret i just found out. Apparently the first 4 episodes of 24 have leaked and are available for downloading at torrentspy. I am downloading the 1st 2 episodes as i type. but probably will wait til tomorrow to download the other 2.

to add on the other post you can track jacks movements here instead
Total posts: 1368
Drudge Report is hypothesizing a nuke on tomorrow's episode.
Total posts: 200
all i have to say about the 4th episode is...whoa.
Total posts: 1368
No silent clock at the end might mean Curtis didn't die.
Total posts: 897
Way to spoil it if someone hadn't seen it yet Shawn. Thankfully Matt and I just finished all 4 hours back to back. Awesome!