
The best damn waste of time!

"Internet Cartoons I Think Are Funny Therefore Will Post"

Total posts: 4318
Total posts: 4318

Total posts: 5111
hoooooo awwww...
Total posts: 751

I found this one worthwhile for the extra hidden comic thingy



Extra comic:

Total posts: 4318

Holy crap how many of the SMBC's typically have after-comics? I get SMBC from the RSS feed which doesn't include the after-comics.. now I have to go back and check for them all?!

Total posts: 751

There's always an after-comic and yes you now have to re-read every single SMBC.  They're usually just throw-aways but occasionally completely make the comic.  My current avatar was an after-comic from a little while back.

Total posts: 1045

how do you find the after-comic?

Total posts: 4318
(Updated 1/21/2011 4:33 PM)

there's a red button under the comic you have to mouse-over that.

just found one worthwhile: the "coming out" one

edit: As a result of looking at a bunch of these bonus comics I believe there is a running joke that the guy that writes SMBC always works naked. Here's one example where the bonus panel is of him at his drawing table with his wife behind him.

Total posts: 5111
the best things in life are free!
Total posts: 751

If you weren't aware that SMBC had after-comics you might have also been missing their weekly videos.  They're occasionally pretty good.  Today's is delightfully sacrilegious