dude i think had that spyware a few months ago...oh wait that was just mike peeing on our bathroom floor. You ain't doin that again!
Total posts: 4332
1/22/2006 4:58 PM
lol the one time i've seen my friend shannon really drunk he pissed all over our friend david's bathroom floor. like not a drop in the bowl. good times (mostly because it wasn't my house).
this reminds me of a gem from howell hall:
Total posts: 2298
1/22/2006 5:58 PM
Total posts: 2298
1/22/2006 8:12 PM
I made it all by myself!: Holyfield vs. Buzz
Total posts: 2298
1/22/2006 8:51 PM
Total posts: 2298
1/22/2006 9:41 PM
dotn know if this is funny or not. drunk at this point. bah. ps wish they had a insert-key light instead of a totally gay and pointless scroll lock. :p