
The best damn waste of time!

New Club409!

Total posts: 2399
Yup, the default password validator is very strict.  It's not trivial to implement a custom validator, but I'll work on that next.  I found some documentation that seems pretty straightforward. I should have that implemented tonight.

@Drew, yeah I thought about renaming the Replies column to Posts, so it makes more sense.  I'll adjust it accordingly.

The responsive design is intended to replace the need for custom mobile apps, but it would be a fun exercise.  That's actually how this remake started.  I was doing training for Azure, and discovered the $50/month for anything azure.  So I figured I'd use that monies to host the 409 web server, database, and storage.   Anyhow, I have experience writing Windows Phone apps, but I haven't ventured into Android OS or iOS.  For now, I'm going to focus on the web version.
Total posts: 1368
Yeah I had to go deep in the password list as well. One last feature request is to hyperlink the 409 image/banner to home

Total posts: 2399
(Updated 3/15/2016 9:58 PM)
Btw, I fixed the password issue.  You can reset it to anything that's 6 characters or longer.  Sure, I meant to set the logo to a link, but forgot. :)  I'll get that out now.
Total posts: 751
Thanks for the password fix, I only need complex passwords to safeguard my monies and my porn.

Somebody needs to give Oak Ridge a tutorial in password best practices.  Our passwords, used by every system at the lab (no classified information, but plenty of export controlled info, proprietary data, HR records, etc.) have the following restrictions: exactly 8 characters, must be 6 letters and 2 numbers, case insensitive, no non-alphanumeric characters.  Not a lot of entropy there, nothing compared to a proper password like CorrectHorseBatteryStaple.
Total posts: 5118
(Updated 3/16/2016 2:19 PM)
Whoops 2
Total posts: 5118
(Updated 3/16/2016 2:18 PM)
Whoops 1
Total posts: 5118
Request: wouldn't say we need a mobile only version, but viewing on my phone the text of the posts get 4 words max on a line it's a really narrow column
Total posts: 2399
True.  I can look at some better layouts for mobile.  Maybe stack the user info and post text, so that everything is in one column.  That'll use all that extra space below the user info.  I'll play around with it.
Total posts: 2399
Not gonna lie, I'm loving the mobile layout.  Hope you guys like.
Total posts: 4332
Congrats on what you've accomplished so far, Arif. Thanks a million for getting us back online. I, too, have a bunch to talk about from recent weeks, and it's been really difficult knowing that I couldn't just jump online and post about it. So again, thank you <3

Feature request: "New Reply" button at the bottom of the page, if your page sort order is "newest on bottom" (like any normal person)

We should be able to duplicate all of the existing history data pretty painlessly, to an initial level of "at least we can see the threads & posts." A lot of the little things will probably take some extra care though.