
The best damn waste of time!

New Club409!

Total posts: 2396
So, I grew impatient waiting for the old Club409 to be restored, so I decided to create my own. :O  Obviously the data that's in the original version is priceless, so I'm going to work with Matt to see if he'll let me port the data over, but for now, we'll have to start a new.

There are still many features I have yet to build out, and some more testing to complete, but we can consider this a beta version for now.  

I've implemented the following features:

* Login
* Profile Management (change password, post order, add/remove/select avatars)
* Thread Create, Edit (within 15 minutes)
* Post Create, Edit (within 1 hour)
* Rich Text Editor 
* Security Groups (Public, Members Only)
* Responsive UI (so it looks cleaner on smart phones or tablets)

I still want to implement the following:
* Search
* Thread and Post Delete
* Logged in Users
* Additional Rich Text features (like embed image or video, lists...I need to add ul and ol to the parser rules so they don't get removed)
* Low fidelity theme (still needed, Drew?)

Are there other features you would like to see?  

If you guys like the new version of 409, I can work with matt to configure the domain name to point to my version.  

Let me know what you think!
Total posts: 2396
(Updated 3/15/2016 6:47 PM)
Ok, so registration was a little botched, but I got it wired up.  I had been using test users for most of my testing, and I didn't actually test registration in a while.  Anyhow, that's been resolved now.

Here's some other things I want to implement:
 * Forgot password
 * Reset password
 * Remember Me
 * Nicer looking error page
 * Error logging
 * auto scroll inside of post box.
Total posts: 1367
(Updated 3/15/2016 7:15 PM)
Testing Post. What language did you code this in?

Feature request: Can we have the most recent post show up at the top?
Total posts: 2396
(Updated 3/15/2016 7:52 PM)
If you click on "Hello [yourname]", you can go to preferences.  If you check "Reverse Post Order", newer posts will show up at the top of the page.  Let me know if you meant something else.  Make sure to upload an avatar there too. :D

I wrote this using Asp.NET MVC, Jquery, Ajax, Bootstrap (for CSS styles), Entity Framework (used to create data model and connect to the db), Asp.NET Identity for user management, Azure SQL db (SQL Server 2014) for data, and Azure Storage for the media.

Bug:  Updated last is being set by last person to Update a post, then by last create date.  So it's not reflecting correctly on the list view.  I'll fix it to only show last person to create a post.
Total posts: 5115
(Updated 3/15/2016 7:50 PM)
Me personally I don't need a low-fi version anymore. Unless I decide to pull out the ol blackberry from the drawer of despair.

For Shawn's feature request: I'd request it's selectable to have newer posts on top or bottom (I like them on the bottom) EDIT: word

Sure hope we can get the previous version either integrated or online in an archive. Got a lot of important posting that needs to remain online forever.
Total posts: 5115
Also I was getting a little impatient too but didn't want to bother Matt, but I was on the verge of starting to send a polite inquiring text.

Got so much to post about in the last few weeks
Total posts: 2396
(Updated 3/15/2016 8:01 PM)
One more thing, as my bug fixes will probably be more frequent right now, I'll be publishing code more frequently too.  Right after deployment, the first page load will take longer (roughly 1 to 2 minutes, while assemblies are being cached by the web server).  Also, the first time a page is loaded immediately after deployment, it'll load slower too.  Once anyone browses to that page, it should load quick for everyone.  So anyways, if a page is taking long to load, it's most likely because I just did a deployment.

Let me know if you notice that the site loads slowly though.  Hopefully performance remains quick as we add more content to the site.

Another feature to implement:  scroll to most recent post.
Total posts: 5115
Ever thought about making a 409 app? Not that I really see a need for one, just might be cool to see how that process works.
Total posts: 5115
Minor thing: Replies count should start at 0 for a new thread?
Total posts: 751
Password requirements aren't joking around, probably want to get on that password reset feature sooner rather than later.  It wouldn't accept any of my standard "passwords to shit that I don't really care about being secure."

Nice job getting us back up, Arif.