Total posts: 2298
8/19/2018 1:55 AM
I've got to write 20 papers this year, that's about one per week. So I'm posting on 409 at 1am instead. At least I caught up on a years worth of Last Week Tonight
Total posts: 5118
8/20/2018 9:12 AM
I've been thinking about watching the anime full metal alchemists, Michael in light of your new papers please watch the entire series and give me your opinion, then I will do the opposite
Total posts: 5118
1/25/2019 10:40 AM
I have to do some related research at work so i wanted to provide some updated statistics from my data from page 1 of this thread: in 2017 the recovery rate for vehicles was 59.1% and the recovery rate for livestock was 15.1%, so we're getting better at finding cows but worse at finding cars, clothing is down to 9.8%
Total posts: 5118
6/26/2019 5:52 PM
Michael I'm reviewing this thread and I'm assuming you have 2 months to write 20 papers?