
The best damn waste of time!

Teh not writing a paper thread.

Total posts: 5115
If you'll notice this thread was created at about 11:45 pm on the 29th. The paper is due the 30th at 9 am. I'll keep you all updated here.

Onward to wikipedia!
Total posts: 5115
Man who would've guessed there's so much information about guns? All kinds of laws and stuff. Bah right now I think I'm an anarchist. Would make the paper easier.
Total posts: 5115
2 hours later wrote a paragraph. wooo
Total posts: 5115
Did you know that the recovery rate for stolen vehicles in 2004 was 63 percent? The next closest rate for stolen items was clothing at 12.9 percent. Right after that is livestock with 12.7 percent recovery. I'm sure there's a point of application here. Like putting your cows in automobiles for insurance reductions... or cow-jacking as a viable alternative but who wants to go cow-jacking? Nobody that's who.

Got 1 page out of 5
Total posts: 5115
MS Word doesn't think "minimalistic" is a word. I say yes. Fight the power.

2 pages
Total posts: 5115
Email and bills are all caught up...
Total posts: 5115
Not much news going on now.

4 pages
Total posts: 4323
I think you hit your apex when you made the "livestock in vehicles" discovery; this is the kind of thing that the government is willing to spend millions on research grants. grants that can fund The Project.

you may notice that I'm posting at a similarly redonkylous hour; senior design project meeting with the customer this morning at 9 = matt needs to show some progress on his portion of the product.
Total posts: 5115
For future refrerence when an organization has a link that says "Fact Sheet" what they mean is "Bull Shit"

Home stretch for an hour or so
Total posts: 4323
actually a fact sheet about bull shit might be useful in club409's livestock research especially in regards to upholstery options.

I'm going to go ahead and lay claim to the term "wikijourney" which is defined as a mind-expanding series of wikipedia entries that one visits for about an hour. this usually happens when one has a pressing assignment or obligation but the topic of the wikijourney is totally unrelated to the topic at hand.