
The best damn waste of time!

New Features

Total posts: 4318
To Bill -- Arif kinda touched on this but if you click inside the inner scrolly area then your page down/up home/end keys should work how you want them to (mouse wheel in FF seems to work depending on where your pointer is hovering).

To Arif:
  • Yeah I would like to get the vertical size of the main DIV to match the height of the browser window.. but that won't be necessary if i go with the next option:
  • the floating z-index'ed header / left menu idea is probably the ideal solution. for anyone who doesn't know what he's talking about it'll be like how gmail chat windows always stick to the bottom of your browser when you scroll in your inbox / email.
Total posts: 1366
how about a dirty dealer party page with our strobe light idea we did back in woodruff
Total posts: 2394
btw the internal scrollbars don't work within safari on the iphone. :( this makes me tre sad!

p.s. - I shouldn't write long posts at work. my favorite word from my previous post: "specifical" lol

p.p.s - Since there's a lot of space under the "Currently logged in" section maybe you could display avatars instead of user names. Animated avatars would become super annoying though since they'd ALWAYS be there but maybe you could display it as a static image? Another idea for that space is to randomly display pictures from plogger.
Total posts: 1045
arif it's tres not tre. it's like you don't even speak french.
Total posts: 310
impossible to get to the most recent post end key doesn't do jack. use to return to the previous page (Home).

get vimperator to lose all of your browsing difficulties
Total posts: 2298
a valiant effort sir but this may be the first of your features to which i say boo altogether. : / I've got no problem hitting the backspace key to go "home" and if you really need to update the unseen-post emboldeness there's always f5. but that's just me ;-)

ps sorry i know this was supposed to be positive feedback but life is a gaping hole of suck so there. :D

pps. found: blackberry charger in my car. oops?
Total posts: 4318
Scott requested it and it was an easy implementation but I dont really care which way it goes. I didn't want only positive feedback i just didnt want feedback on all the little quirks that could be fixed (like the post text showing up below the avatars because of a little scrollbar-induced width problem which i have since fixed).

also party on the 409!

Total posts: 26
div#main {
height: 95%;
Total posts: 4318
yeah that doesn't work
Total posts: 26
Wasn't really meant to be taken literally. Just a novell way of saying "use all the vertical screen space."

Hammer time!