Total posts: 1323
11/1/2005 3:57 AM
something weird is messing with the thread titles
Total posts: 1097
11/1/2005 12:26 PM
I'd like to see a "What would Jack Bauer do" utility on the side menu. You can ask it questions and it could give random answers. Then you could take clever submissions and post them in a WWJBD thread and we could discuss. It would be totally sweet and awesome.
Total posts: 4328
11/1/2005 12:28 PM
yeah the thread title problem is due to the mouseovers
edit: should be fixed now
Total posts: 4328
11/1/2005 3:26 PM
alrighty.. now threads jump to the top of the list if you either make a new post or edit an old post.. so it's a more accurate representation of "most recently updated" ordering for the threads on the main page.
Edit: I'm not really sure if that's the behavior I want though. What do you guys think - when someone edits a post should the thread be labeled as "updated" and thusly move to the top of the threads list.. or should a thread be "updated" only when an entirely new post is added?
Total posts: 4328
11/1/2005 3:59 PM
Mike as for your "order the archive oldest to newest" request -- the current "archive" is locked; the original single thread of club409 will always have those 59 pages of pure genius in that order. So you're welcome to link to those archive pages as they will not be changing any time soon.
Total posts: 4328
11/1/2005 4:13 PM
I'm going to request that any local links (i.e. linking to one thread from another thread) remain in the same window whereas any outside links (i.e. linking to http://lolerville.funnyVideos.com/someAwesomeVideo.wmv) keep the current behavior of opening in a new window.
Total posts: 1368
11/2/2005 1:20 AM
I think that instead of moving an updated post to the top there just needs to be a message saying thread last updated at such and such time. Leave the thread where it is.
Total posts: 1097
11/2/2005 3:33 AM
Once we start getting the large number of threads a threaded forum gets you're going to want some dynamic automated way for the most alive threads to be readily available. Whether that means changinig the order of the threads or having a seperate "recent posts" section of the window it's got to happen somehow.
We might also want to consider having more than one "forum" to segregate different kinds of threads. Just looking at what kinds of posts/threads we have already News/media general discussion and "How much does Shawn like men" forums seem like a good idea.
Total posts: 4328
11/2/2005 4:12 AM
That list of forums sounds like a good starting place. I'll come up with a comprehensive yet manageable set of main topics in the coming weeks.
Total posts: 1097
11/2/2005 12:04 PM
"WWJBD" is better than "ask Jack Bauer." Ask him he'll tell you.
Also I'd either like to see frames or the scrolling sidebar like you said.
That is all.