
The best damn waste of time!

Logan Dane Winter

Total posts: 4318

Actually just this morning he put on a little fountain show. Didn't get me this time but he did get the changing table pretty good. Both Rachel and I have been peed on but no trace of malice.

Sleep has been better lately. Saturday we switched to breast-milk-in-bottle mode because he was having trouble eating consistently. Since then I have been able to help with the feedings so Rachel can have longer continuous stretches of sleep. The downside is a lot of bottles to clean but otherwise it's going well.

Total posts: 4318

Also Rachel is too cool for 409 now so I guess we'll never know what she thinks.

Total posts: 1045
I visited the Winter clan a couple weeks ago. Can confirm that Logan is super cute. And the Winter parents seemed pretty chill about the whole "being parents" thing.
Total posts: 2298
Aaaaah I can't wait to see him!
Total posts: 2298
Bee tee dubs yall bein techs and all have you wired up baby LD? Eg Mimo smart baby or something like that?
Total posts: 4318

Actually no the closest to techy stuff we have is a one-way baby monitor and a shared photo album on Cluster. I wrote down what I want the "digital photo workflow" to be (take pictures; copy pictures to computer; backup locally and remote.. etc) but I haven't gotten all the pieces in place to do it yet.

He'll be 6 months old this Friday! If I get on my get-things-done horse now I'll only have to go back through 6 months worth of photos.. e'ry day I delay is another day of backlog =[

What I'd like is to have a currated set of 2 or 3 photos per event / outing (except for when we really really need that fourth photo to properly capture how it be) that we can put on infinite loop digital picture frame / chromecast and also one Shutterfly album book per year. I'll check back in at the 1 year mark and see if I have accomplished any of this :)

Total posts: 2298

The best option is to wait until you should be writing a paper. 

Total posts: 5110
I can't think of a better time to do something like that
Total posts: 897

Matt's account of the having-a-baby story is pretty detailed and accurate.  The only thing I can add was when I got my spinal block since he had to wait outside the OR while that happened.

So a spinal block is different from a traditional epidural in that with an epidural you still have the ability to push without being able to feel the contractions.  A spinal block is pretty self explanitory; you can neither feel nor operate anything below a certain point.  They said that if it were a good spinal block I may still feel pressure when they did the incision.  So mine must have been fantastic because I felt nothing below my chest.  I had to sit on the edge of the operating table while they put in the port for the block and then the block itself.  Holy hell that was worse than anything else I went through.  They numb the skin where the needle goes in but that's it.  And then they poke around until they find the correct nerve (i.e. when they poke in the right spot that makes your right leg jump involuntarily into the air).  They hit my left leg nerve though and didn't really barely hit it they poked the hell out of it.  So my left leg kicked the shit out of the nurse holding my hands and then I started crying because it felt like my leg was on fire.

Enter Dr. Brody OB - Dr. Brody walked in right after they "found my nerve" and was like "omg what's wrong" and I'm like kill these bastards that just lit my leg on fire.  Then he's all like just wait a second and it'll all be better.  Then the numbing started to work and I didn't care about anything anymore.  Pretty sure they did some other stuff (catheter arranging etc.).  

Enter Matt - So Matt and I are looking at each other while they're operating because I'm loopy and he doesn't want to see beyond the curtain.  I almost fell asleep a couple of times thanks to the anesthesia but they wouldn't let me no fair.

And the rest you've already read.  I'll just add that it's pretty miraculous how quickly you recover from a c-section considering how major of a surgery it is.  It's also crazy that it's a smaller scar than my heart surgery and arm surgery scars.

And just so you guys know none of the hard parts during the first week are easily remembered once you've held that baby. Super cheesy and cliche I know but it's so true.

There you go Drew.  I hope that was satisfactory.  Now if you'd like to know the trials and tribulations of breast feeding...

Total posts: 897
(Updated 2/10/2015 6:20 AM)

Also just a generic update on Logan:

He is sitting up almost entirely by himself rolling over from belly to back and back to belly which is quite an accomplishment at his age (although it's almost exclusively over the left shoulder so we have more work to do).

He is eating all sorts of pureed fruits and veggies.  Only thing we've discovered he hates is green beans. I'm more convinced that Matt was making icky faces at him while he tried them because he hates them so much.

6 month check up told us that he jumped to 90th percentile in height and head circumference and 75th percentile in weight.

He's also got two teeth buds waiting to poke out on his bottom gum.  Should be actively teething any day now.

He sleeps through the night 8:30 pm - 7:30 am pretty reliably.  He naps 4-5 hours during the day.

He talks a lot which I'm sure is a result of being my son.  Mostly Goo's and Gee's.  

And he loves visitors so you guys should come see him!  Thinking of doing a b-day weekend for me Feb. 27-March 1 involving DG and beer pong.