
The best damn waste of time!

Life Hax

Total posts: 1076

i picked 7. i was gonna say tomato but remembered it's a fruit so i went with carrot. i felt mind raped

Total posts: 1045

i picked a pepper.  and realized too late that peppers are a fruit.  and i actually didn't pick a number.  all i could think was "between 12 and 5?  is this a trick?  don't they mean between 5 and 12?  why would they go in backwards order?"  and i scrolled down before i could think of a number.  we are oddly representative of that 2%.

Total posts: 1076

we definitely are an odd bunch. i also find it funny that i'm an outsider because i'm normal (or average at least). but then again 73% of statistics are made up on the spot.

Total posts: 2394
(Updated 8/19/2011 4:51 AM)

59% of all made up statistics are accurate 27% of the time.  


Also fill in the blank:










butt  ______















If you said plug you're a normal 409er but an abnormal person.  (Highlight the answer if you can't see it.)

If you didn't say the above word and you're a georgia tech fan you need to ___ ___ ____ ___!












If you said get the fuck out you're a normal 409er but an abnormal person.

If you didn't get the answer right but you're not a georgia tech fan then heed the advice anyways! :D  If you choose to stay we'll have to unleash Project E________ M_____ C___ F_____ on yo ass!! :)











Answer can be found here.
Total posts: 1045

i think you did that just to piss me off.  is that really what EMCF stands for?  cuz i was once told the M was for monkey.  i haven't been told anything else.

Total posts: 2394

huh?  I wrote that post to celebrate the awesomeness of 409 and to demonstrate that the concept of normalcy is extremely relative.

also I wanted to exacerbate miniscule crouch flames enhance monkey cake farts and entice mammory cramp festivals.  encouraging minutely catastrophic flatulence while expectorating metallic chrome fillings were also among the activities I was trying to inspire.  if you feel so inclined by all means exact monetary consignment from me but don't expect my cooperation forthwith.  

p.s. - easy mac consumption forever!

expect my cock forthcoming!

extreme make-over:  country folk edition

experimental military contraption failure

p.s.2 - Yes that's what it really stands for.  Matt had to remind me about 3 years ago because I couldn't remember although my first post on The Project page seems to corroborate the F.

p.s.3 - You're a brave soul if you actually clicked the above link but luckily it's legit. :)  

Total posts: 1045

i've asked michael a million times to tell me what EMCF stands for but he always refuses.  says he'd have to kill me.  only told me that m was for monkey.  i assumed that it was some big secret and that you made that post just to be titillating.  michael's such a punk.

Total posts: 2394

btw michael is now obligated to kill you.  shucks almost made it.

Total posts: 4318

By far the best alternative interpretation of EMCF to date: "Expect my cock forthcoming!"

Total posts: 1076

I debated putting this under the "not writing a paper" thread