
The best damn waste of time!

We met someone famous last night

Total posts: 4327
So Arif Shawn Steph and I went to see Kurt Scobie play at Eddie's Attic last night. it was a really good show and band that came on after Kurt was pretty good too.We sat at a table next to a young man and older woman and at some point in the night arif leans over to me and says "I think this guy looks just like the free credit dude..." and so I spent the remainder of the show eying him. I texted Rachel Conrad and Josh to get them to look up his name in case it was him. After the show I asked him "Are you Eric Violette?" and sure enough he was.So we got a few pics with him and he signed a postcard for me which I will scan eventually. Pretty cool dude.. I added him on facebook so maybe we'll hang out whenever I end up in Montreal.
Total posts: 4327
oh yeah and the lady he was with was his agent her name starts with a D but I forgot it.
Total posts: 1049
oh yeah and you didn't invite me.
Total posts: 2298
(Updated 9/5/2009 3:42 PM)
current myspace status: "going for a jog down West Paces Ferry Road wanna come along?" eh?
Total posts: 4327
Total posts: 1049
sooooo jealous
Total posts: 1076
(Updated 9/16/2009 1:59 PM)
so he's not exactly famous but high status. last month Admiral Mike Mullens visited our base. He's the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Only a few select got to see him including yours truly. In the military higher ups all have a unique coin and give them to you usually for merits but when it's someone this high up they just give it to you if you ever meet them. the cool thing of that is anytime you're out drinking with military buddies you can call coins and whoever forgot their coin or has the lowest ranking coin has to buy the round. since no one in the military outranks CJCOS i can never lose. score.10216_504835719465_145400453_30136772_1684421_n.jpg
Total posts: 5115
i'm really happy you guys are all meeting famous people but8516_150155917272_532227272_2985657_7057264_n.jpg