
The best damn waste of time!

The Archive Thread

Total posts: 5111
Here's technology actually working for us this time.
Total posts: 5111
Add this to the previous item I just posted... - I think we're approaching what life was like before the fall of Adam.
Total posts: 4318
I think my new avatar is a cross between dennis the menace (from the Dairy Queen Cups) and Jake Tucker
Total posts: 1097
Drew - an American univerity's already done that -- don't remember which one it was. There's a video floating around the internet of these people walking around a football field. They were blindfolded with things over their ears. I'll look for the link tomorrow.

The scientists in the article - like many quoted in western articles - appear overconfident about the applicability of their new technology. Anyone remember the guy who claimed to have a perpetual motion machine based on carefully placed magnets on a turbine?
Total posts: 164
I like turbines......
Total posts: 897
No posts since this morning! What's wrong with you guys? Well I would like to have a Halloween party at some point this weekend let me know what day works best for y'all.

By the way the football game got moved to 3:30 so it could be on ESPN...
Total posts: 1323
yeah whatever happened to the turbine guy other than it obviously didnt pan out as he expected
Total posts: 2298
He was as it turns out thwarted by this guy named Newton who said you can't create energy. Damn English.

My parents are coming into town this weekend (friday saturday). I think they wanted to dine with you all though if a lot of people come it prolly won't be free food :-p. But I'd love for you guys to meet/visit with them again! I'm thinkin like Saturday since i guess game night will be really late. Mostly even if you can't come remember no drugs exceptional profanity or nudity in my parents' or papa's presence please. :-D
Total posts: 897
dammit michael taking away all my fun...
Total posts: 1097
Remember Rachel. Just like I said. Finish up with a picture of your ass.