from our discussion last night i'm linking back to this since some people didn't know what we were talking about. it still makes me laugh...
Total posts: 2398
4/19/2009 8:46 AM
i'd call that a successful party! rach good jorb remembering that pizza restaurant! i wish their karaoke machine was working but we still rocked it!
i spaced out during that conversation but judging by the events last night and pics on that page i'm guessing you're talkin about "the gun" pic? haha.
Total posts: 4327
4/19/2009 9:04 AM
yeah b/c that was drew's alternate instrument for last night
Total posts: 2298
4/19/2009 3:20 PM
i couldn't join b/c of studying ( ! ) 's ==D 's and kidneys but i was excited to find out that today the party continued. in fact google calendar said it continued all the way until 2010. apparently when you enter "409 day party" it thinks you mean "409-day party." or maybe goocal knows something I don't.
Total posts: 2398
4/19/2009 6:47 PM
dude ascii art is part of your curriculum? maybe i should become a