
The best damn waste of time!

Mo Money Mo Problems

Total posts: 1367
I have been watching the stock market shit itself and it got me thinking. 409 needs to pool our resources and make some wise investments. Any suggestions? I am thinking a bunch of cheap land because there is only so much of that. Or a bunch of stripper's debt as was discussed previously.
Total posts: 5115
the thing about stripper debt is that it is difficult to liquidate in case of emergency or other need

however in an emergency or need it is easy to liquidate strippers
Total posts: 1076
i say we buy up a large acreage lot and start on official 409 hq which should include a gentleman's club
Total posts: 2398
I've got two words: The Project.
Total posts: 5115

nbc will probably take this down...
Total posts: 2298
long article but its really good and I know some of you are just nerdy enough to read it. :p