I got my ipod in the mail yesterday.. it was supposed to come wednesday but the FedEx guy didnt bother to stop at the apartment office to deliver it he only went to my door and of course I was at work. AAAnyway I went and picked it up brought it to work
jailbroke it charged it and installed
all kinds of
goodies.. then i went home and tried to use itunes on my 64bit windows xp install.. unfortunately they support 32bit XP or 64bit Vista.. so no dice. no worries because
libgpod and gtkpod are to the rescue. I was able to put a bunch of songs on the device and thanks to
musicbrainz they're all labeled consistently and correctly.
Oh yeah since the ipod touch has wifi i got a
last.fm account and installed the app that uses it.. so now whenever i have internets available i can listen to streaming radio of music that doesn't suck.