
The best damn waste of time!


Total posts: 2398
So i've been in DC this past week for work. I went to poker $20 buy-in with like 15 people or so..took 1st place w00t! $180 cash moneys! Then we had a team outting to Top Golf. It's a driving range with RFID's in your balls (sounds so uncomfortable) and there are targets out on the range you try to hit. I can see how real golf would suck ass but driving ranges are pretty fun. I also got to chill with this girl i've been crushing on lately for most of the time there. w00t! Things will probably never pan out but a man can hope right? Haha anyways that's my excuse for not posting much lately. What're y'all doing these days?

p.s. - WITWAY is the app I use for reporting my hours for work. I stands for Where In The World Are You?
Total posts: 5115
top golf sounds hella fun

& GJ on chilling with teh girl & you'd think golf would be a more phallic sport what with the balls and shafts and cigars and water hazards flying around everywhere but "that's what she said" comments are rare on the courses
Total posts: 2398
So I flew into town on Thursday night and Jessica and I were coming down the escalator as the tram doors shut. They have this little LCD displaying the next arrival time and it started at 1:58 and was counting down. Then it jumped to 2:44. Then back down to 0:47. They probably had microsoft write their arrival estimation algorithm so the accuracy is stellar. I was like "we could probably just walk it." Anyways the tram finally arrives and we cram in when I hear "Arif." I look over and sho nuff MDW is on the same tram! What're the odds of the that?! Anyways I stayed in terminal A and had dinner with Matt.
Total posts: 4327
it was pretty much the coolest thing to happen in an airport ever.
Total posts: 310
aw... did you guys hold hands?
Total posts: 4327
no we just compared stories about your mom
Total posts: 310
speaking of mom's your mom was great. tell her i can't wait to see her again.
Total posts: 4327
i'm sure she'll be happy to hear it
Total posts: 5115
i stopped in the 4503 yesterday afternoon after my appointment and no one was there so i put my penis on shawn's pillow and left
Total posts: 1367
I thought it smelled like old bananas