Total posts: 2298
4/10/2007 6:20 AM
Woohoo! for every ying there is a yang and I wanted to provide some balance here. My Kaplan class has been 'reassigned' because apparently i explain things in a confusing manner :' /. bye bye $500 hello soup kitchen line.
Total posts: 1097
4/10/2007 7:28 AM
There really is balance in the world. I'm interviewing with Kaplan this Friday.
Total posts: 5115
4/10/2007 11:46 AM
wait so they reassigned your class to the soup kitchen line?
Total posts: 1097
4/10/2007 6:24 PM
Mike what should I do my "how-to" session on?
Total posts: 2298
4/11/2007 4:36 AM
i just looked up cool invention ideas on wikipedia. ended up teaching the class how to design their own invisibility cloak. the instructor really liked it cause it showed 'creativity' or some shit. :-D